4 Day Work Week

A: And yet most people I've spoken to, although harried and frazzled, don't seem to be able to quite put their finger on just why life is suddenly so hard to keep up with. So while they may have already adapted to this "faster normal" to some extent, there's still a underlying and persistent frustration dogging their psyche just below the surface. A similar type of subconscious acceptance coupled with deep-seated unease has already been documented in regards to climate change. The psychological impact of time acceleration should in theory be much more severe.

B: It has been written that the time has been reduced by a third. So what used to be a 24 hours day now takes an equivalent time period of 16 hours. However there are still 24 hours in a day, but they are equivalent to 16 hours before the change. So instead of a day having fewer hours, each little unit of time is now shorter by a third. So a second is a third as long as it used to be. If previously a second was considered as the time it takes to pronounce the phrase "one Mississippi" at a resting pace, well if you count up to 10 Mississippi, it would actually take you 15 seconds to do this, instead of 10. This means that the time has been reduced by a third.
I think that people don't notice that time has been reduced by a third because it's not like the day is literally lacking 8 hours, instead even the seconds are reduced in time by a third. The problem is in the smallest unit of time changing. However there are still 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day. If the length of second wasn't changed, but instead a day was changed to 16 hours with the length of second still staying the same at "one Mississippi", then it would be obvious to people. But because the system that we use to measure the time has not changed, and because this system of time is based on the length of a second, almost nobody noticed that anything changed. Because nobody expected a change in the fundamental laws of physics itself.

C: Do you think it's possible that our brains have slowed? Rather than time sped up? Like. For whatever reason whether it be phones or chemicals we are exposed to or whatever, is it possible our brains now work slower. This would, I imagine, mean we would also speak slower, take longer to say "one Mississippi", take longer to get any tasks done, and would feel like we are losing time. Ofc I have no evidence of this, just an idea I just came up with.

A: You've got an excellent handle on this... although I tend to quibble a bit with the 1/3rd number. My admittedly subjective opinion is that a current 24 hour rotation is closer to 18-21 hours of Saggitarius time. This is based not only on my own experiences and observations, but also on the remembered circumference of Old Earth (and assuming rotation speed remains constant). Of course this would necessarily require our revolution around the sun to have also sped up so that a year also reflects the same time differential. But regardless of what number we use, it's seems pretty clear to me that this realm is not the same planet we started out on.
Interesting sidenote: why do track & field and marathon speed records continue to be broken? Shouldn't we see the dash times and overall marathon numbers getting longer against the shorter time? This is one detail that's bugged me for awhile. My only guess is that time is locally variable now.

D: In Europe and the UK we’ve currently got the biggest push for a 4-day work week that we’ve ever seen. There are multiple trials running across countries, businesses big and small. It could be rolled out en masse within 2 years, in the same way that Covid and lockdowns changed our lives completely over the course of 2 years.
I think this is the powers that be recognising time is totally fucked and this is the attempt at a remedy so that people don’t all truly realise that time has changed. Give as many people as possible/eligible an ‘additional day off each week’ to mask the time effects.

A: That's an intriguing trend that seems very likely to be a "response" by TPTB to the Earth changes. Of course skeptics would be quick to point to the pandemic-inspired sociological realizations about working from home being a viable option now, as well as increased automation in the workplace. But I'm with you in that I would tend to view it as natural outflow from a system that's in a state of accelerated entropy and trying to self-correct to a new equilibrium. Dunno if that's gonna make sense to most people though.